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Milan Arch Week 2024: Healthcare Architecture between Innovation and Future

Arch. Stefano Carera participated in “Architectures for Health From Ca’ Granda Hospital to the Next Generation Hospital“.

as part of the sixth edition of Milan Arch Week, held on May 23, 2024, at the University of Milan.

The seminar, promoted by the Municipality of Milan, Politecnico di Milano, and Triennale di Milano, explored the future of hospital architecture within a rapidly evolving global healthcare model.

Milan Arch Week, a key event for professionals and enthusiasts in the field, once again affirmed its role as a privileged platform for discussion and innovation. We had the privilege of contributing to the dialogue by sharing our innovative perspectives in the field of healthcare and hospital architecture. Arch. Stefano Carera emphasized the need for an integrated and flexible approach in hospital space design, capable of meeting both current and future needs.

A Rich Debate

The participation of experts, designers, associations, JRP HI members, CNETO partners, and students from the Hospital Master’s program enriched the discussion, providing a valuable opportunity for exchange and deeper understanding. It was a moment of sharing and growth where diverse experiences and expertise helped outline clear challenges and opportunities in healthcare architecture.

The event received widespread coverage and significant interest, confirming the growing attention towards healthcare architecture issues. This positive response underscores the importance of addressing the challenges posed by ongoing changes in the healthcare sector with seriousness and vision, proposing solutions that integrate functionality, technology, and humanity.

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