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Tecnicaer sponsors the Italian Powerboating Federation

Tecnicaer has become an official sponsor of the Italian Powerboating Federation!

This new collaboration marks another step in our mission to support excellence and innovation across various domains, including the world of sports.

Our company is known for the passion with which we pursue excellence and innovation in all our projects. This commitment now extends to supporting athletes and powerboating competitions, a sport that embodies values we hold dear: determination, precision, and teamwork. Our company is known for the passion with which we pursue excellence and innovation in all our projects. Powerboating requires great discipline, coordination, and a relentless pursuit of perfection—values that perfectly reflect Tecnicaer’s philosophy. By supporting the Italian Powerboating Federation, we aim to promote these principles and contribute to the development of a sport that exemplifies dedication and innovation.

Our support for the Italian Powerboating Federation will be demonstrated through various initiatives aimed at promoting the growth and visibility of this sport. We are confident that with the right support, athletes can achieve increasingly ambitious goals and competitions can gain greater recognition both nationally and internationally.

We look to the future with enthusiasm and confidence, certain that this collaboration will yield great results. We extend our thanks to all members of the Italian Powerboating Federation for their warm welcome and their daily commitment to their work.

Go Team!

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